Institut de climatisation générale ICEG

"Notre mission est d'apporter des informations complètes sur tous les sujets autour de la climatisation, que ce soit acheter une climatisation en ligne ou bien se renseigner en tant que frigoriste."

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Middle East & Africa - Cairo

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European Center - Budapest
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4B Telecom is a privately-financed, commercial, global telecommunications venture created by ICEG to improve economic opportunity among the 4 Billion people in the rural areas of developing countries by providing affordable, sustainable [profitable] telecommunications services and Internet access.

ICEG promotes improved healthcare in the poorest countries by supplying high quality surplus brand name medical equipment at savings of 70%-80% through a joint venture with MediProducts International – another market-based solution.
An Internet news service from ICEG which is by and for those concerned with human development. Vox populi (aka POPVOX) is a global non-profit network of human development professionals and concerned citizens who promote transparency, rule of law, democracy, and human development by exposing corruption, abuse, election fraud, torture, slavery, terrorism, environmental abuse, pending economic crises and political oppression.

This new program involving governments and multinational corporations is designed to create sustainable economic opportunity in the poorest, predominantly Muslim, countries.

This program will build on the successes of ICEG’s nineteen economic policy institutes in nine Muslim countries in several ways;

  1. The experts – economists and others -- providing technical advice will primarily be from Muslim "resource" countries defined as those with established policy institutes and the technical capacity to assist other Muslim countries which have no policy institutes, or with very weak technical ability,
  2. There is a significant role for multinational – U.S. and foreign -- corporations in job creation through outsourcing and reciprocal trade with
  3. There are near-term and long-term elements; realistic trade and job creation programs, and economic policy and institutional reforms for the long term, and
  4. Respected economist from institutes in key Muslim countries will lead the effort – it is not U.S. based and directed.

The concept is Muslims helping Muslims, supported by those with the largest stake in the outcome, seeking near-term income opportunities and long-term policy reforms.

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ICEG's Guiding Principles

It is possible, practical, and imperative to increase prosperity and equity for all.
The long term solution to poverty is opportunity for the poor.
Global economic stability is critical to sustained growth in prosperity.
Prosperity for the bottom 50% of any country is critical for economic stability.
Military investments are poor investments for emerging markets.
Sustainable economic reform depends on the broadest possible stakeholder ownership.
Technology can increase global prosperity and expedite economic reforms.
There are always new solutions to old problems
Economic crises can be mitigated and even avoided.

If you have comments or suggestions regarding any of the information on this site, please contact
Copyright © 1998-2001 International Center for Economic Growth

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